Lindsey Jakiel: Miss A.I.S. 2007

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The Miss America Philosophy
Miss NY 2007 Pageant

Six years ago I embarked upon a journey called the Miss America Organization. Little did I know that the road I would follow would be filled with twists and turns and many ups and downs. However, now I would not trade these experiences for anything in the world. I am the woman I am today because of the Miss America Organization and the many dedicated volunteers in New York State who have supported me.
I can still vividly recall what made me compete-what I saw at age 17 that motivated me to set out on this journey and has kept me motivated. I was given a list of the characteristics of an ideal Miss America and one thing stood out on the page. It was that Miss America should be a woman with the courage of her convictions. That is the woman who I strive to be everyday- a sincere advocate for all that I believe in, including, but not limited to my platform: Conservation Education: The Environment is for Everyone.
It is my goal as Miss Adirondack International Speedway 2007 to educate people about the environment and in turn promote civic responsibility and help move toward an ecologically sustainable future. I also want to use the story of my journey as an example to help motivate others, to show that success can be achieved through perseverance and persistence.

Website Created & Designed By:
Mrs Jessica Dale Jordan